
3D Work

Drunk Walk Cycle

Jump Test

Walk Cycle

Scourge of the Vampire

This was a Production Class project back in 2006. 
Contributions: Animated the small dog for shots 2 and 3. One of the concept designers for the cast (Vampire, Girl and Basset hound) Also designed some props (some tombstones, bone attached to stick and stage) Also made the designs for the end credits.

2D Work

Obama Cycle

Cat Cycle

Bumper Car Cycle

Flashy Fish

Animation done as a portfolio piece for a music studio. The objective was to make an animation based on the music. The music is by Baxter Robertson.
Contribution: All visuals 
Flash Dog

Limited Flash animation focusing on the use of symbols.
Contribution: Everything

Stroller Test

Here's a little rough animation of this poor kid that has to take this baby for a stroll. The problem is that this baby's a little too big for that stroller.

Project HippoH

Rough animation of the Project HippoH squirrel spraying graffiti on the wall.
Contribution: Everything

 Flour sack Animation 

Rough animation of a flour sack to demonstrate animation principles.
Contribution: Everything